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trees of genus cinnamon is a very important part of Indian cuisines,sweet etc.It has a very beautiful aroma due to the presence of its essential oils.The term cinnamon is used to describe the mid-brown color.Indonesia and China produces about 75% of the world's cinnamon.
And after several days of personal i have come to know that cinnamon can help you loose weight.
And after reading these facts you will also feel that cinnamon is a magical spice for weight loss.
1. Having cinnamon in your diet will help stabilize your blood sugar level .
2. Cinnamon actually reduces the insulin sensitivity of your blood.So actually when you consume any food you will require less insulin to break down the food.This in turn will reduce the chance of converting the food into fat.
3.. Cinnamon helps in mobilizing sodium benzoate. This may not sound important to you but it helps in increasing brain activity.an increase in brain activity will help you take better decisions,relive you from stress.lesser the amount of stress more are the chances of reducing weight.
4.When had with any kind of food it will prevent insulin spike.this means with the help of cinnamon the same food will take longer to digest and will provide energy for a longer period of time.
So if you have atleast one teaspoon of in your diet it help you lose lots of fat .the increase in energy levels will help you with your workouts.
Foods along with which you can have cinnamon for better results:
- You can add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to your coffee.The caffine inside coffee will help mobalize the fats.As fats have very good effect on your brain and cinnomon along with it will increase brain activity.
- You can also have it with yogurt .Yogurt is a source of good fats and cinnamon along with it makes it a very good food for weight loss.
- You can also have it with honey.
And these tips are specially for my readers:
1.You can apply cinnamon along with honey on you face to get rid of acne.
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